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Reading Eagle Jesse Schmidt Article

In August 2020, Jessie Schmidt, a Montgomery County woman was in a horrible car accident that changed her life forever. She has since been faced with many obstacles as she is now paralyzed from the chest down. Since the accident, Schmidt’s main goal has been to be able to care for her 8-year-old daughter. To do so, she needed her own place to call home. Carl Rost and the team at Bachman’s Roofing heard her story, and wanted to help. We replaced the roof on a trailer in Pottstown that Schmidt plans to move into. We replaced the roof, free of cost. There is a lot more to do; Schmidt and her daughter are waiting for the state to make the trailer wheelchair accessible on the interior before additional repairs can be made so they can move in. At Bachman’s, we want to give back when we can, to support and help the people in our community. Read David Meekel’s full article here:  Reading Eagle